
Waste Management

Protecting resources and avoiding waste

We have been appealing to all our trade fair exhibitors for years to also take the topic of the environment and sustainability very seriously and to do without plastic and other unnecessary packaging as far as possible.

The starter bag is now digital. This means that there will no longer be any paper or plastic flyers in the start bag (high-quality gifts from our partners and sponsors for athletes will, of course, still be in it).

All cheering materials handed out to spectators on race day have been made completely sustainable since 2021, e.g. the popular green clapping cards are made from 100% corn starch.

All signage is made of wood and is reused to a large extent each year, as are blow-ups, banners and flags.

For several years, we have eliminated plastic tableware at the helper party as well as during the Bernbach Pasta Party in favor of reusable stainless steel plates and cutlery. In the future, disposable tableware will also be dispensed with in the beer gardens in the Triathlon Park.