The Race


Accomodation and Camping in Roth

Stadt Schwabach Tourismusbüro

Telefon: 09122 860-241


Partner hotels

Special conditions for participants so please mention that you are a Challenge Roth athlete at the booking.

Arvena Hotels

Ramada Nürnberg Parkhotel




There is level access to the campsite via a short gravel path. You can enter or leave the campsite by car at any time, except during bike check-in on Saturday and on race day between 4 a.m. and 11 a.m., after that time you can leave the campsite by car in the direction of Allersberg. The way to the campsite is signposted from the Allersberg roundabout, from Hilpoltstein and from Haimpfarrich.

Back to the Swim Start after the Race

Only for participants: After the race there will be free shuttle busses which will carry you from transition zone II to the swim start starting at late afternoon to 12:30am. The busses are equipped with a trailer for your bikes.

Please note the Camping rules